# (decoded with TMPL -4063) # This resource is used to get the language used from the system localization. # (empty comment) # We get the system localization by reading the System file. # Then, we try to match the country of the System file with # one of the elements in the list. # (empty comment) # If we find in the list an element corresponding with the # Localized System code, the language used is the one # present in the Language code corresponding. # (empty comment) # If it does not correspond to any of these elements, # the Default Language code is used. # (empty comment) # BE CAREFUL : FOR SPEED REASONS, THE LIST IS SORTED ON # THE LOCALIZED SYSTEM CODE. Please keep this resource sorted... # (empty comment) Default Language Code: 1 (English ) NumStrings: (7 entries) 0: Localized System code: 1 (verFrance ) Language Code: 2 (Français ) 1: Localized System code: 3 (verGermany ) Language Code: 3 (Deutsch ) 2: Localized System code: 6 (verFrBelgiumLux ) Language Code: 2 (Français ) 3: Localized System code: 11 (verFrCanada ) Language Code: 2 (Français ) 4: Localized System code: 14 (verJapan ) Language Code: 4 (Japanese ) 5: Localized System code: 18 (verFrSwiss ) Language Code: 2 (Français ) 6: Localized System code: 19 (verGrSwiss ) Language Code: 3 (Deutsch )